with Kim Kaufman, Body-Mind Centering practitioner, Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist

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My work change’s people’s experience of what the body looks like and feels like on the inside.  The foundation of my work is Body-Mind Centering –  an embodied exploration of anatomy, physiology, kinesiology and the interrelationship of the body-mind. It is about how you move in the world in relationship to yourself, others, and the environment. It is the dance we do within the body-mind.

 Gentle Touch and Guided Movement for Health and Happiness

  • If you carry pain and stress in your body and want to explore through hands-on and guided movement how you can change the relationships and patterns in your body to find an easier, more comfortable way to be

  • If you have work that creates aches and pains and want to find support within your body to change your movement patterns and do your work with more ease and efficiency

  • If you are someone who wants extraordinary movement, a dancer or athlete, and want to learn how your anatomy can support you as well as how to help yourself stay as injury free as possible

  • If you want to explore how you feel within and about your body

Book an individually designed
session for your needs

Sign up for a session on the calendar below or click the button to learn more about the work


“I just wanted to take a moment to express my profound gratitude for our session yesterday. You bestowed so many gifts: love and acceptance, a new way of being in my body, new insights into blockages and a renewed sense of hope for the future. Your skill for reading the messages that my body has so desperately trying to send me and for presenting them to me in a way that I could finally hear is truly remarkable. Thank you thank you thank you!!!” -Jaimee Christinat

“Kim is a bodyworker and movement expert who inspires trust the moment you meet her. She has a direct yet accepting way of looking you in the eye, being present with you. Her hands are comforting as she does bodywork to release tension and help you feel connected to your body in a deep way. She is also skilled in using her hands and words to suggest other possibilities for what to pay attention to when moving, so that it feels lighter and easier to do. Her confidence in the wisdom of the body, her own and yours, is palpable.” -Sharon True

Disclaimer:The Body Mind Dance website is educational and not a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. Everybody is unique and has different needs.. If you are under medical treatment for pain or other conditions, or have any concerns that t…


The Body Mind Dance website is educational and not a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. Everybody is unique and has different needs.. If you are under medical treatment for pain or other conditions, or have any concerns that these lessons/sessions are appropriate for you, please discuss your concerns with your healthcare provider. This website and related resources are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.