Wisdom of the Body
I believe in listening and trusting in the wisdom of the body.
I believe in the intelligence of cells.
I believe cells always go towards living in balance and ease when given a choice.
I practice listening to the wisdom of the body. I practice waiting with patience. I listen with my hands, my underlying knowledge of the body, and my intuition to qualities of tone, to movement and stasis, to rhythms, to images and feelings that arise.
I trust my body to tell it’s truth. Cells are the first to know what is happening and then they send that information to the brain. The cerebral cortex of the brain is the last to know. Cells communicate with their neighbors and their environment, sending and receiving information. They live in conversation in community. I trust myself to listen without judging too harshly and to receive my truth.
There are similarities between how I quilted this piece and how I work with the body. Listening for what is arising. Being present to the process. Waiting for the next step to appear. Finding structures and connections. Playing and noticing what happens, where the body wants to go towards ease. Seeing patterns. Allowing for readiness and timing.
I wish that for you.
Trusting in the process. Hearing the whispers of your own internal landscape.
Listening to the wisdom of the body.